안녕하세요, 여러분!
That there subject line is probably the best few words I can use to explain this week. We did a lot of things that didn't work out quite as well as we hoped. For example:
- We had a member dinner scheduled for Friday night, but that got cancelled, so we decided to streetboard. It poured buckets on us starting from 5:50. (Koreans absolutely despise the rain, to the extent that they fear it)
- We had a lesson with a new investigator named 한상, who wanted to read the Book of Mormon in English with us. I was on exchanges with Elder Tapan. We decided prior that we would just make it through the introduction and share a small message and give commitments and then be done. Then, 2 hours later, we finally finished the introduction.
- On Thursday, I had a Korean pass off with the AP's, and after 2 hours, I finished half of it and had to leave
Love you all!
Elder Tyler Conley
We went exploring this week, and found this beauty.
I also found this beauty in the church (a different usage of the word "beauty")