Sunday, November 8, 2015

Elder Conley's Arrival


Dear Brother and Sister Conley,

I just wanted to send you an email letting you know your son has arrived safely in Korea. He looks very happy to be here and ready to work hard. We are excited to see him serve here in the Korea Seoul Mission. Attached below is a picture with President and Sister Sonksen. 

The Korea Seoul Mission

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints       예수그리스도후기성도교회
Korea Seoul Mission                                                            한국 서울 선교부
Office - 82-2-734-3653                                                  사무실- 02-734-3653

Monday, November 2, 2015

He's Off to Korea


Tyler left SLC to fly to Detroit and then on to Seoul, Korea.  He got to call us from the airport at about 6:30 in the morning.  We woke everyone up and had a nice visit with him.  He sounded great!  He sounded so excited to go, and less anxious than I thought he would be.  Before he hung up, we asked him to bear his testimony to us in Korean...

Tyler's testimony